Saturday, July 10, 2010

A connection

The clensing fluid of needy persperation had evaporated off his neck only a moment before, and still erupted from his back, soaking the chair of the coach he was slowing. There on the corner, she saw him riding high, smelled his odor of conquest and sensed the power of his loins. Needing to join her fertility with this power, she signaled him with her eyes and lips. He was surprised, and excited. And said to himself nine times as they made love, "I am surprised, and excited."
Together they bore nine children who walked the land spreading time for people to use in private.
And they were content. He brought forth his clay, which he had learned to dig in his youth, and form in his old age, and he created an image of his contented wife. When She first beheld her own image, her fears turned to anger and she took him and rolled him in the mud until he could scarce take breath. The monument of joy absorbed all joy, and all things near it were relieved of their joy and so she left him. And the nine children asked their father why, and he took a great hammer to the likeness of his joyous wife, and rebuilt her to form a hearth and he cooked bread from dawn till dusk until the maggots got him.